Little Toto R.I.P
Other news. Some arsewipe thought it would be a great idea to vandalise our car. Something was scratched into the side of it with a key and it covers the entire back panel and passenger door (excuse the state of our car it's been sat unused under a tree for a while as Stephen uses the Ibiza for work!)

Obviously spelling isn't the culprit's strongest point! But it was done on Thursday night, reported on the Friday and the police came round this afternoon (Tuesday). It's not the work of kids i.e. vandalism, as they tend to have signatures and avoid causing criminal damage that can't be easily cleaned of i.e. grafitti with spray paints. The police reckon this is personal as no other car was touched, and after a bit of asking about it looks like the man responsible is none other than the brother in law, who, we have a 7 month long standing feud with. Nothing we can do, unless we have a video of him doing it. Because the car is a beamer it's gonna cost a fortune to put right, and we don't think insurance will cover it, but we're going to try. But basically, if we don't pay for it to be done, the car is unsellable and with us moving we hadn't planned on taking two cars with us (not practical, two cars and only one person who drives, and the other car being brand new!). The brother in law has his car for sale up on Ebay at the moment and for a fleeting moment I was tempted to go round and key his car, but I think a revenge that is slightly more subtle and causes no financial damage is what is best. Utter idiot, I seem to come across more and more idiots the older I get. I appear to be married to one too!!! ;)
Jack had his pre-op yesterday afternoon. Had a mad dash picking up the Brothers Grimm then getting to the hospital for 4.30. Because I have been through all of this before with Daniel, the hour long appointment was actually only 10 minutes as I didn't need all the spiel about what grommets are etc explaining to me. I've had them myself twice so I could probably give the lecture myself! He will go under general anaesthesia. He needs to be in there for 8am on the Monday 31 July, because he is the youngest listed he will go in first at 8.30, be away for half an hour, 10 minutes op, 20 minutes recovery room. And then depending on how quickly he recovers he will be home by lunchtime. There is the slight concern over Jack's sleep apnoea. When Daniel had his operation he had an episode on the operating table and had to be brought back round, and then re anaethetised and the whole procedure took 2 hours instead of 40 minutes! If Jack has an episode on the operating table then he may get kept in overnight, but his apnoea is not too serious at the moment and he's only under for 10 minutes it's highly unlikely there will be any complications. He's to stay at home for 24 hours, and then avoid mixing with too many children for a few days just whilst the grommets are settling in and the risk of infection, but by Friday/Saturday he should be up and running as usual!! Get this out of the way and then sort out his adenoids and tonsils, he's still only 23 1/2 pounds, too light to undergo the procedure, however, I was told yesterday that if the weight is not going on it's an indicator that it's a serious tonsil problem and they get done anyway and his height is growing nicely so obviously it's both his tonsils and genetic makeup that make him so skinny. Ironic isn' t it that us women who spend 90% of our lives battling our weight, have skinny children!!
Decided to go back on WW this week, but I'm really struggling with it now, I think when you are heavier and you can eat more points it's not so bad and when it's cold too and you can live on soup, casseroles etc which are low in points, but in this weather I just seem to live on barbeques, french bread etc. I need a diet which fits into the summer months before I end up not being abl to fit into my summer clothes!! I haven't put any weight on yet, but it's only a matter of time if I stick a large galaxy bar in the fridge and polish it of in two days!!!!!!!
We've seen this house on the internet for sale in Manchester that we really really like, it doesn't appear to be shifting, probably because it's slightly overpriced, but with us having a house for sale in london suburbia it's within our price range up there (but only just - Manchester is fast becoming the new London!!). So we're tempted to go up there sooner if we can if the house is still on the market in a couple of months. Going up in August for a vist to my sister and for a lookaround at where we SHOULDN'T be looking. But I still think the best thing for us is for me to get a job in Manchester and move up there and rent, whilst my sister childminds the Bee Gees, Stephen sees to the selling up down here and then buy later in the year, much less stress and hassle.
Enough rambling, it must be the heat causing such verbal diarrhoea!!
Bye for now
Oh God I am with you on the weight thing! If I have a wish it is for Finn to bulk up! Bloody genetics have a lot to answer for (Mind you his eating habits also come into play 110%!!)
Am sure all will be well with the op, but scary for you. He is your ickle Jack.
Arse about the car. Had to laugh about the spelling! God what a tosser your bil is to do that.
Wow to Manchester...had no idea you were planning a move. Am with you on it being the new London. A friend works up there and was horrified and rental prices and she was moving from London! Get on the ladder quick.
Keep us informed!
Love Sxxxxxxx
your poor car! what an idiot to do that, you showed more restraint than i would in retalliation (god i too am crap at spelling!) i didnt see the wildlife programme but it sounds sad, they usually are thats why i dont watch! thinking of you and jack for his op, jess has to have a small op on her eye soon to kill a hair follicle inside her eyelid she will only be under for a couple of minutes as its a quick thing but i am soooo dreading it! good luck with moving up north how exiting to be looking at houses i love that part! hate everything else about moving though GOOD LUCK!
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