Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well Done My Son!!

This saturday I received a letter from the school saying that Daniel has been nominated for the school gifted and talented programme and would I give my permission for him to take part. Whilst I have had misgivings about the fact that Phil who is on a level playing field with Daniel academically has not been nominated (but who knows a letter could turn up for him tomorrow) of course I'm giving my consent - what mother wouldn't. I have two extremely bright boys whom I find it very difficult to occupy these days, their brains are in need of constant stimulation and I think this is why they fight so much, and why they have always fought. Well done Daniel for proving the poxy educational psychologists wrong and doing so well in mainstream school. He's in his element in secondary school, it's like I'm seeing a totally different boy, he's confident, enthusiastic and literally buzzing from it all and is rarely home before 4.30 because he does after school activities most days. Every wednesday from now on he will participate in "stimulating" activities after school starting with "cube plaiting" on 1 November - what the fu.......???!!!


Blogger Sam said...

I've never heard of cube plaiting either?! He's not weaving strange giant dice out of palm grasses is he?! Very stimulating I'm sure. Anyway - terrific news Daniel! Amazing work to have turned around the psychologists estimations so early on in your education and made your mum so proud. Well done!

Monday, October 23, 2006 9:18:00 AM  
Blogger Bobbie said...

That's superb - your boy done soooo good! x

Thursday, October 26, 2006 4:57:00 AM  
Blogger Sasha said...

Awwwwww clever sausage! That is just fab news. Now, cube plaiting is......ok ok I have no idea!! Let us know what it is please!!!
Love Sx

Thursday, November 02, 2006 4:11:00 AM  

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